This evening TCOT conducted a national event to discuss the Stimulus Bill that is set to be voted on by Congress on Friday.

Participants convened face to face in many locations across the country, while others participated in a national conference all and simultaneous Tweet Chat.

TCOT proposed an alternative means of stimulating the economy and exercise for individuals to perform to illustrate it:

  • Cut all Federal income taxes in half for FY 2009

Participants were presented with a worksheet to calculate their tax savings and asked to consider what they would do with the money they would keep. Individuals were asked to fill out a survey regarding their tax savings and how they would quantify its distribution.

The survey presented additional questions regarding the stimulus.

The survey form is available online until 12:00 AM PST. Final results will be distributed on Friday morning, including a national press release.

Anyone who was unable to participate in the event is encouraged to fill out the form:

TCOT Plan National House Party / Focus Group Survey

In addition, we would like general comments on the following matters from all visitors to this site:

  • What is your general view of the Stimulus bill?
  • What is your opinion of how the legislative process has been handled in regards to the bill?
  • How long do you think a bill should be available for public review and discussion prior to a vote?

Please leave your comments below this post.